
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 s143 - serve to do

★ serve to do【(~に)役立つ】

* serve as ~として役立つ


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No great achievement is possible without persistent work, so absorbing and so difficult that little energy is left over for the more strenuous kinds of amusement, except such as serve to recuperate physical energy during holidays, of which Alpine climbing may serve as the best example.

So at least some books say, though I am not prepared to vouch for the exact truth of the story. For our purpose it is equally apt whether true or an exaggeration, since it serves to show how far the passion for clothes may carry a woman who has the opportunity to indulge it.

The false ideas as to the history of the world which are taught in the various countries are of a kind which encourages strife and serves to keep alive a bigoted nationalism.


Some economists say that economic development and growth will serve to reduce poverty.
 出典:『キクタン TOIEC TEST SCORE 800』p.281

The attack was unsuccessful and served only to alert the enemy.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.