
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 s133 - screening

★ screening (n)【(映画などの)上映;審査,選考;集団検診;(窓などの防虫用)金網 】

* cancer screening がん検診
* screen [(v):選別する;(~)守る,隠す(from)| (n) ついたて;網戸;目隠し;(映画の)スクリーン;(粗目の)ふるい]


あるいは アマゾンで購入
They (= Children) have a dislike of humbug, which usually disappears in later life. The habit of screening them from the knowledge of disagreeable truths is not adopted for their sakes although adults may think it is; it is adopted because adults themselves find candour painful.

One of the worst features of nervous fatigue is that it acts as a sort of screen between a man and the outside world.

Among politicians good men have their uses, the chief of which is to afford a smoke-screen behind which others can carry on their activities unsuspected. A good man will never suspect his friends of shady actions: this is part of his goodness. A good man will never be suspected by the public of using his goodness to screen villains: this is part of his utility.



The initial screening of applicants is based on academic performance.
 出典:『キクタン TOEIC TEST SCORE 990』p.45

more efficient breast screening
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.