
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 e012 - evening

★ evening (n) [<日没後(あるいは仕事が終わった後)就寝時まで> 晩,夜]

* 副島隆彦『英文法の謎を解く』p.33~34の説明:・・・これを「夕方」と訳しても,「夜」と訳しても間違いである。・・・。evening というのは, after five (5時から後),・・・,おそらく9時から10時ぐらいまでではないかと思う


あるいは アマゾンで購入
I spent the evening walking round the streets, especially in the neighbourhood of Trafalgar Square, noticing cheering crowds, and making myself sensitive to the emotions of passers-by. During this and the following days I discovered to my amazement that average men and women were delighted at the prospect of war.
[(1914年)8月3日の日没後,ロンドンのいろいろな通りを --特にトラファルガー広場の近辺を-- 歩きまわり,陽気な群衆に注目し,通りすぎる人々の感情に対し自分の感性を敏感にして(感性を研ぎ澄ませて),過ごした。この日とそれに続く何日間,驚いたことに,一般の(平均的な)男女が,戦争が起こりそうなことを喜んでいるのを発見した。

Girls nowadays earn their own living, very largely because this enables them to seek excitement in the evening and to escape 'the happy family time' that their grandmothers had to endure.


During a week, for instance, that I spent in London towards the end of 1966 in order to open the preparatory meetings of the War Crimes Tribunal. I received visits each day, morning, afternoon and evening, from people wishing to talk with me.

People look forward to security in the evening (= end part) of their lives.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]