
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・英熟語 b075 - be instrumental in

★ be instrumental in [ ~に役立っている,~の助けになっている]

* instrument (n):楽器;器具,道具


Those, therefore, who from idealistic reasons desire profound changes in our social system, and a great increase of social justice, must hope that other forces than envy will be instrumental in bringing the changes about.

The late W. A. S. Hewins, who was instrumental in the conversion of Joseph Chamberlain to tariff reform, told me that his ancestors had been ardent Roman Catholics, but that his emotions attached themselves to the British Empire as theirs had to the Church.
[故人の A. S. ヘウィンは、ジョウゼフ・チェンバレンが関税改正(論者)に転向するのを手助けしたが,彼は,自分の祖先は熱烈なローマン・カトリック教徒であったが,しかし,自分の気持は彼の祖先の気持が教会に結びついていたのと同じように大英帝国に結びついている,と私に語った。]


The new trafic laws have been instrumental in reducing the number of traffic accidents.
 出典:『キクタン TOEIC TEST SCORE 800』p.291]

His information was instrumental in catcching the criminal.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.