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バートランド・ラッセル 自伝 第2巻第1章
D. H. ロレンス n.4(松下彰良 訳)

The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2

前ページ 次ページ v.2,chap.1 (The First War) 目次へ Contents (総目次)
* アウシュヴィッツ平和博物館

第一章 第一次世界大戦)

「あなた(ラッセル)が,あなたの本質的な自己が,究極の平和を望んでいるというのまったく真実ではない。あなたは,人の不意をついて感銘を与えたいという欲望を,間接的かつ間違った方法で満足させている。あなたは,嘘つきで下衆なお前たち全てが嫌いだ,私はお前たちを徹底的に攻撃する,と言い,直接的かつ高潔な方法で欲望を満足させなさい。さもなければ,あなたが真実になることができる数学にしがみつきなさい。しかし,平和の天使として現れるためには・・・・否,私は,その役割ではティルピッツ(Tirpitz,Alfred von,1849-1930/ドイツの提督;開戦時海軍大臣)を千倍も高く買う。」

He had a mystical philosophy of 'blood' which I disliked. 'There is', he said, 'another seat of consciousness than the brain and nerves. There is a blood-consciousness which exists in us independently of the ordinary mental consciousness. One lives, knows and has one's being in the blood, without any reference to nerves and brain. This is one half of life belonging to the darkness. When I take a woman, then the blood-percept is supreme. My blood-knowing is overwhelming. We should realise that we have a blood-being, a blood-consciousness, a blood-soul complete and apart from a mental and nerve consciousness.' This seemed to me frankly rubbish, and I rejected it vehemently, though I did not then know that it led straight to Auschwitz.
He always got into a fury if one suggested that anybody could possibly have kindly feelings towards anybody else, and when I objected to war because of the suffering that it causes, he accused me of hypocrisy. 'It isn't in the least true that you, your basic self, want ultimate peace. You are satisfying in an indirect, false way your lust to jab and strike. Either satisfy it in a direct and honourable way, saying 'I hate you all, liars and swine, and am out to set upon you', or stick to mathematics, where you can be true - But to come as the angel of peace - no, I prefer Tirpitz a thousand times in that role.'
I find it difficult now to understand the devastating effect that this letter had upon me. I was inclined to believe that he had some insight denied to me, and when he said that my pacifism was rooted in blood-lust I supposed he must be right. For twenty-four hours I thought that I was not fit to live and contemplated suicide. But at the end of that time, a healthier reaction set in, and I decided to have done with such morbidness. When he said that I must preach his doctrines and not mine I rebelled, and told him to remember that he was no longer a school-master and I was not his pupil. He had written. 'the enemy of all mankind you are, full of the lust of enmity. It is not a hatred of falsehood which inspires you, it is the hatred of people of flesh and blood, it is a perverted mental blood-lust. Why don't you own it? Let us become strangers again. I think it is better.' I thought so too. But he found a pleasure in denouncing me and continued for some months to write letters containing sufficient friendliness to keep the correspondence alive. In the end, it faded away without any dramatic termination.