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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第1巻第1章 - 恥ずかしい想い出(松下彰良 訳)- The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ 第1巻 第1章(幼少時代)累積版 総目次

 最も鮮明な,幼い時の私の記憶の多くは,恥かしい思い出(記憶)である。1877年の夏(ラッセル5歳),祖父母はカンタベリー大主教* 注1からブロードステアーズ* 注2の近くのストーン・ハウスと呼ばれた一軒の家を借りた。そこへゆく汽車の旅は私にはとても長いものに思われた。しばらくして私は,スコットランドに到着したに違いないと考えはじめていたので,次のように言った。
* 松下注1:イギリス国教会とその世界的組織である聖公会(アングリカン・コミュニオン)の最上席の聖職者。2004年現在のカンタベリー大主教=第104代は,ローワン・ダグラス・ウィリアムス博士。カンタベリー大主教の公邸はロンドンのランベス宮殿/カンタベリー大主教公式サイト
* 松下注2:Broadstairs, Kent, England の写真


Canterbury の地図 enlarge!)
Many of my most vivid early memories are of humiliations. In the summer of 1877 my grandparents rented from the Archbishop of Canterbury a house near Broadstairs, called Stone House. The journey by train seemed to me enormously long, and after a time I began to think that we must have reached Scotland, so I said:
'What country are we in now ?
They all laughed at me and said:
'Don't you know you cannot get out of England without crossing the sea ?'
I did not venture to explain, and was left overwhelmed with shame. While we were there I went down to the sea one afternoon with my grandmother and my Aunt Agatha. I had on a new pair of boots, and the last thing my nurse said to me as I went out was:
'Take care not to get your boots wet !'
But the in-coming tide caught me on a rock, and my grandmother and Aunt Agatha told me to wade through the water to the shore. I would not do so, and my aunt had to wade through and carry me. They supposed that this was through fear, and I never told them of my nurse's prohibition, but accepted meekly the lecture on cowardice which resulted.
In the main, however, the time that I spent at Stone House was very delightful. I remember the North Foreland, which I believed to be one of the four corners of England, since I imagined at that time that England was a rectangle. I remember the ruins at Richborough which greatly interested me, and the camera obscura at Ramsgate, which interested me still more. I remember waving cornfields which, to my regret, had disappeared when I returned to the neighbourhood thirty years later. I remember, of course, all the usual delights of the seaside limpets, and sea-anemones, and rocks, and sands, and fishermen's boats, and light-houses. I was impressed by the fact that limpets stick to the rock when one tries to pull them off, and I said to my Aunt Agatha, 'Aunty, do limpets think?' To which she answered, 'I don't know.' 'Then you must learn,' I rejoined.