Bertrand Russell Quotes

I like to think that civilisation will continue to improve, and the opposite thought when it comes, as it sometimes will, is depressing. In these days, when the immediate outlook is somewhat gloomy, the thought of a more distant future is often cheering.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Taking long views,Mar. 30,1932. In Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975
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 社会的に活躍する世代は、通常、30代後半から50代前半と言ったらよいでしょうか? これに反し、幸か不幸か、政治の世界では、力を持っている者は、現状では、50代後半からであり、70歳近くになっても、時代遅れの感性のもとに政治をおこなっている者が多数います。
 若い頃は将来にいろいろ期待しますが、歳をとって限界を知るようになれば将来に過大な期待をしなくなります。ラッセルがここで「当面の見通しがいくらか暗い時には、より遠い将来のことを考えるとしばしば元気づけられる」(when the immediate outlook is somewhat gloomy, the thought of a more distant future is often cheering.)と言っているのは、97歳まで長生きしたラッセルの60歳という比較的若い時(笑)の発言です。

Would it be fair to say that the prime years for active social engagement are usually from the late 30s to the early 50s? In contrast, whether fortunately or unfortunately, those who hold power in the political world today tend to be in their late 50s or older, and many continue to govern with outdated sensibilities even as they approach 70.
The United States has historically seen relatively young politicians in active roles, but at present, it is Trump?who will soon be 79?who holds the greatest power. The entire world is watching his every move and being swayed by his actions.
When we are young, we tend to have various expectations for the future. However, as we age and become more aware of our limitations, we stop having overly optimistic expectations about what lies ahead. When Russell said, “When the immediate outlook is somewhat gloomy, the thought of a more distant future is often cheering,” he was 60 years old?a relatively young age, at least by his standards, as he lived to be 97 (laughs).
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