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この衝動(子どもの知識への渇望)は歳をとるにつれて徐々に弱まり、ついには馴染みのないものは嫌悪感を抱かせるだけで、もっとよく知りたいという欲望はまったく抱かなくなる。人々が『没落しつつある』(going to the dogs)とか、『私の若い頃はこんなではなかった』などと言い出すのは、この段階である。
This impulse (Children's thirst for knowledge ) grows weaker with advancing years, until at last what is unfamiliar inspires only disgust, with no desire for a closer acquaintance. This is the stage at which people announce that the country is going to the dogs, and that 'things are not what they were in my young days'.
Source: Bertrand Russell: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 2 The Aims of Education
More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/OE02-190.HTM
なお、なぜ「going to the dogs」というように「dogs」にたとえられるのか ChatGPTに質問してみたところ、次のような回答がありました。
ChatGPTからの回答:「現代では犬は愛されるペットですが、かつては野犬が多く、ゴミや廃棄物をあさる存在として見られていました。「to the dogs」という表現は、役に立たなくなったものや見捨てられたものが、野犬の手に落ちるイメージを暗示しています。」
However, adults will have fewer objects (quantity) to be curious about, but it is possible to increase ‘quality’. It is ‘only possible’, but there is hope (laughs).
In addition, when we asked ChatGPT why it is likened to ‘dogs’ as in ‘going to the dogs’, we received the following answer.
ChatGPT's answer: ‘Dogs are much-loved pets today, but in the past they were often wild dogs and were seen as scavengers of rubbish and waste. The expression ‘to the dogs’ suggests the image of something no longer useful or abandoned falling into the hands of wild dogs.’
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#バートランド・ラッセル #Bertrand_Russell