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真偽のほどはわからないが、死者を慈しむために墓に穀物を撒く慣習があり、敬虔な親族が驚いたことに、その穀物が育ち、新鮮な穀物ができたことから(農業が)発見された、という説がある。このような観察から、将来の収穫を見越して意図的に穀物を植えるようになるのは、それほど難しい先見の明の行使ではなかった。どのような経緯があったにせよ(However this may be,)、ナイル川、インダス川、メソポタミア川の流域では、考古学的な証拠ではなく、歴史的な証拠(注:「文書記録による証拠」)が残っている最も古い時点で、すでに農業が確立していたのである。
It has been suggested -- I do not know with what truth -- that it ( = agriculture) was discovered through the practice of scattering grain on tombs for the nourishment of the deceased, and that, to the surprise of pious relatives, the grain grew up and produced fresh grain. It was a not very difficult exercise of forethought to pass from this observation to the deliberate planting of grain with a view to a future harvest. However this may be, agriculture was already well established in the river valleys of the Nile, the Indus and Mesopotamia at the earliest moment of which we have historical, as opposed to archaeological, evidence.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, part II: The Conflict of Passions, chapter 3: Forethought and Skill, n.10
More info.: https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-2_0310.htm
野生の穀物を採取して食料にしていた段階から、それらから種を得て撒くことによって、計画的に穀物を収穫できる段階に移ったと考えられます。もっと簡単かつ荒唐無稽な説は、農業の知識を持っている宇宙人が地球にやってきて地球人に農業を伝えたというものです。 google で検索するとトップ(要約文)には次のように書かれています。(「墓に穀物を撒く慣習」説よりもよさそうです。)
It is thought that we have moved from a stage where we were gathering wild grains for food to one where we could systematically harvest grains by obtaining seeds from them and scattering them. A simpler and more wild theory is that aliens with agricultural knowledge came to Earth and introduced agriculture to the people of Earth.
A google search shows the following at the top (summary text). (This sounds better than the ‘practice of scattering grain on graves’ theory.)
'Agriculture is thought to have begun about 12,000 years ago in an area of western Asia known as the “Fertile Crescent”. It is thought that agriculture began by enclosing areas where edible plants often thrived, in order to save the large areas of land that were needed to procure food by hunting and gathering, and to obtain a stable supply of food plants. It is also thought to have been triggered by the discovery that the same plants would sprout again from seeds that had been eaten away, and by learning to sow seeds and grow crops.’
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#バートランド・ラッセル #Bertrand_Russell