バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Ru
ssell Quotes )



Wyatt: "How would you summarize the value of philosophy in the present world and in the years to come?"

Russell: "I think it's very important in the present world. First, because, as I say, it keeps you realizing that there are very big and very important questions that science, at any rate at present, can't deal with and that a scientific attitude by itself is not adequate. And the second thing it does is to make people a little more modest intellectually and aware that a great many things which have been thought certain turned out to be untrue, and that there's no short cut to knowledge. ..."
 Source: Bertrand Rusell Speaks His Mind, 1960, interview 01
 More info.: not available

 本日の引用は、ラッセルが1959年春、BBC放送(TV)の対談番組(全13回:インタビュワーは Woodrow Wyatt)の第1回目「哲学とは何か」で語ったものです。
 ラッセルは「自分は俳優ではない」とのことで、台本は一切なしでぶっつけ本番で(13 回分を4日半かけて)テレビ録画されたとのことです。

#バートランド・ラッセル #Bertrand_Russell