Children enjoy fancy when it is pure, that is to say, when it makes no pretence to be reality, but they distinguish sharply between fancy and fact. The person who offers them pretty fairy tales as if they were fact rouses their indignation as soon as they find out the trick that has been played on them.... They have a dislike of humbug, which usually disappears in later life. The habit of screening them from the knowledge of disagreeable truths is not adopted for their sakes although adults may think it is; it is adopted because adults themselves find candour painful.
Source: On Protecting Children from Reality, by Bertrand Russell
More info.: https://russell-j.com/CHILD-P.HTM
子供は長いスパンで物をみることができないが、大人はそれができると言われる。しかし、実際は、大人は目先のことや短期間のことを考え、子供は論理的には間違った推理を行うことが大いにしても直感的に自分たちが将来不幸な目にあうことをさけようとする。気候問題もそうではないか? 経済的な利益を考え、徐々に対策をうつのが現実的と考えるが、敏感な若者は将来に対する不安を感じ、大人は無責任(短期的なことしか考えていない)と「感じる。