Not only the discovery of simple natural laws, but also the doctrine of the gradual development of the world as we know it, began in astronomy ; but the latter, unlike the former, found its most notable application in connection with the growth of life on our planet. The doctrine of evolution, which we are now to consider, though it began in astronomy, was of more scientific importance in geology and biology, where, also, it had to contend with more obstinate theological prejudices than were brought to bear against astronomy after the victory of the Copernican system.
情報源: Religion and Science, 1935, chapt. 1
人間が「実感」できるのは百年単位の人間の寿命の範囲内の時間。 億(年)単位の時間は論理的思考を詰めていって初めて可能となる。 だから、神によって一挙に世界が創造されたなんてことを想定してしまう。