バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Russell Quotes )


If I had to select four men who have had more power than any others, I should mention Buddha and Christ, Pythagoras and Galileo. No one of these four had the support of the State until after his propaganda had achieved a great measure of success. No one of the four had much success in his own lifetime. No one of the four would have affected human life as he has done if power had been his primary object. No one of the four sought the kind of power that enslaves others, but the kind that sets them free .
 情報源: Power, 1938.

 仏陀とキリストは宗教家、ガリレオは科学者、そうしてピタゴラスは科学者であるとともに神秘家(宗教家)。  みな男性ばかりなので女性を一人あげるとしたら・・・?  

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