バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Russell Quotes )

Shaw was at his best as a controversialist. If there was anything silly or anything insincere about his opponent, Shaw would seize on it unerringly to the delight of all those who were on his side in the controversy. ... He was entirely praiseworthy in this sort of way, until he fell a victim to adulation of the Soviet Government and suddenly lost the power of criticism and of seeing through humbug if it came from Moscow. Excellent as he was in controversy, he was not nearly so good when it came to setting forth his own opinions, which were somewhat chaotic until in his last years he acquiesced in systematic Marxism.
 出典: Bertrand Russell: Bernard Shaw, 1953.

 よくあること。不正や偽善を摘発・攻撃するときは素晴らしく見えても,守りの立場になると,あっという間になさけない姿を見せる者(特に政治家)は多い。  小池百合子東京都知事も都議会で与党だった自民党をもっと情報公開すべきだと攻撃していた時は多くの者が共感していたが、自分たちが与党になるとあっという間に情報公開に後ろ向きになってしまった。与党「都民ファーストの会」所属議員に緘口令をひくなどというのは裏切り行為(言っていることとやっていることが真逆)と言わざるをえない。