Real virtue is robust and in contact with facts, not with pretty-pretty fancies. We have chosen to hedge round the profession of teaching with such restrictions that, in the main, those who choose this profession are men and women who are afraid of reality, and we have done this because, while many of us recognise that contact with reality has been good for us, few of us have the courage to believe that it is good for our children.
出典: Does education do harm? (written in Feb. 17, 1932 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975
たとえば,教科書検定など本当に必要か? 特に,歴史教科書の検定は「国民」にとって必要だろうか? 必要であるとするならば,国際的委員会を組織して「標準世界史」を作り,その記述内容を前提として,それぞれの国で(世界史成立以前の)「各国史」と(世界史成立以後の)地域史としての「各国史」を作ればよいのではないか。
Real virtue is robust and in contact with facts, not with pretty-pretty fancies. We have chosen to hedge round the profession of teaching with such restrictions that, in the main, those who choose this profession are men and women who are afraid of reality, and we have done this because, while many of us recognise that contact with reality has been good for us, few of us have the courage to believe that it is good for our children.
出典: Does education do harm? (written in Feb. 17, 1932 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975
たとえば,教科書検定など本当に必要か? 特に,歴史教科書の検定は「国民」にとって必要だろうか? 必要であるとするならば,国際的委員会を組織して「標準世界史」を作り,その記述内容を前提として,それぞれの国で(世界史成立以前の)「各国史」と(世界史成立以後の)地域史としての「各国史」を作ればよいのではないか。