Any man who contemplates writing a book or engaging in any forms of preaching or propaganda should be obliged to do an hour's digging or other outdoor manual work before breakfast. By that time breakfast would be such a delight that throughout the rest of the day he would be incapable of thinking that all is vanity.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Why are we discontented? In: Mortals and Others; Bertrand Russell's American Essays, v.1 (1975)
More info.: https://russell-j.com/YOKKYU.HTM
寒い冬の朝は布団(or ベッド)から出たがらず、朝食もすぐにとりたいとは思いません。朝食前に軽い運動をしたり、散歩をしたりすれば、朝食をおいしくとれることはわかっていても、そのような習慣づけは困難です。
トランプさんも、そういったよい習慣をつければ、世界中に難癖をつける悪い習慣はなくなり、他人の不幸よりも自分や自分の家族の幸福を追求をするようになるのではないでしょうか? いや、大統領在任の4年間はそのような境地は無理そうです。「触らぬ神に祟りなし」ということで、トランプさんのことは無視することにしましょう。
On cold winter mornings, I am reluctant to get out of my futon (bed) and don’t feel like having breakfast right away. I know that doing some light exercise or taking a walk before breakfast would make the meal more enjoyable, but establishing such a habit is difficult.
However, once NHK’s Television Taiso or taking a walk becomes a routine, strangely enough, it no longer feels like such an effort.
If Mr. Trump were to develop such good habits, he might get rid of his bad habit of nitpicking at the world and focus more on pursuing happiness for himself and his family rather than taking pleasure in others' misfortunes. But no, it seems impossible for him to reach such a state of mind during his four years in office. As the saying goes, “Let sleeping dogs lie,” so let’s just ignore Mr. Trump altogether.
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