一般的に,"上品な"人々は,世界の取り締まり(や監視)を雇われた者に任せる。というのも、そういった仕事は "上品な"人々が引き受けたいと思うようなものではないと感じるからである。けれども,(決して)他人に任せようとしない分野が一つある。それは、陰口やスキャンダルの分野である。
In general, nice people leave the policing of the world to hirelings because they feel the work to be not such as a person who is nice would wish to undertake. There is, however, one department which they do not delegate -- namely, the department of backbiting and scandal.
Source:Bertrand Russell: Nice People, 1930 (pub. in 1931)
More info.:https://russell-j.com/beginner/0464NP-040.HTM
If you are economically well-off or have power, you can avoid doing unpleasant tasks or jobs that ordinary citizens have to deal with every day. People tend to assume that such "so-called nice" people do not engage in gossip or take an interest in scandals, but in reality, they love gossip and scandals just as much?only the targets may differ.
However, even these privileged individuals, if they fail in business and accumulate a huge debt or lose their power for some reason, will fall into ruin along with their families. They will then be forced to do unpleasant tasks, just like ordinary citizens. In fact, they may feel even more miserable than ordinary people when facing such circumstances, as they must endure not only their own hardships but also the cold stares of society, which becomes unbearably painful for them.
Of course, some people go through life without ever experiencing such misfortune. Which group do you belong to?or, considering your entire life until death, which do you think you are likely to belong to?
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