Another passion which gives rise to false beliefs that are politically harmful is pride - pride of nationality, race, sex, class, or creed. When I was young France was still regarded as the traditional enemy of England, and I gathered as an unquestionable truth that one Englishman could defeat three Frenchmen. When Germany became the enemy this belief was modified and English people ceased to mention derisively the French propensity for eating frogs.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946.
More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/0861HARM-110.HTM
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How closely do the meaning and nuance of the English word "pride" align with those of the Japanese word 「プライド」? Or, to what extent do they differ?
The English word "pride" carries meanings and nuances such as "a sense of honor," "something to be proud of," "self-respect," "conceit," and "arrogance." However, the nuances of "pride" and "arrogance" are quite different.
According to the Jitsuyou Nihongo Hyogen Jiten (Practical Japanese Expression Dictionary), the Japanese word 「プライド」 refers to "a sense of self-respect or pride in one's abilities, achievements, or status... It can also exist in groups, organizations, and nations, representing the pride of being a member of such entities."
With this in mind, can we think of examples where "pride" in English and 「プライド」 in Japanese are used with different nuances?
Today, I took the easy route and asked ChatGPT:
"Please provide three examples where the Japanese word 「プライド」 is used with a meaning or nuance slightly different from the English word 'pride'."
Here is the response:
ChatGPT’s Response 1
The English word pride and the Japanese word 「プライド」 share many overlapping aspects, but they are also used differently in certain contexts. In particular, the Japanese word 「プライド」 tends to emphasize "a sense of self-respect or pride in one's abilities and achievements," while the English word pride carries a stronger connotation of "arrogance" or "conceit." Additionally, while the phrase "プライドを持つ" (to have pride) is often used in a positive sense in Japanese, pride in English can sometimes imply "overconfidence" or "hubris," depending on the context.
Below are three examples where the Japanese word 「プライド」 is used with a meaning or nuance that differs slightly from the English word pride:
「プライドが高い」 = "Having a strong sense of self-worth and not easily compromising"
The English phrase high pride is not common; prideful or arrogant would be closer in meaning.
In Japanese, 「プライドが高い」 generally conveys a sense of "not selling oneself short" or "not easily backing down," rather than outright arrogance.
「プライドを捨てる」 = "Letting go of one’s ego or attachment"
The phrase throw away one's pride is uncommon in English; expressions like swallow one's pride (suppress one’s self-respect) or set aside one's pride are more natural.
In Japanese, 「プライドを捨てる」 does not necessarily mean "abandoning arrogance" but rather "letting go of stubbornness or personal attachment."
「プライドを持つ」 = "Having pride (in a positive sense)"
The English phrase have pride exists, but proud as an adjective is more commonly used.
However, too much pride in English tends to carry a negative connotation of arrogance, whereas in Japanese, 「プライドを持つ」 is generally used positively (e.g., 「仕事にプライドを持つ」 = Take pride in one’s work).
Thus, the Japanese word 「プライド」 tends to emphasize a positive sense of "honor" or "self-respect," while the English word pride more readily includes connotations of "arrogance" and "conceit."
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