I did not yet know that the hopes and despairs connected with original work are alike fallacious, that one's work is never so bad as it appears on bad days, nor so good as it appears on good days.
Source: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 5: First marriage, 1967
More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB15-040.HTM
* a brief comment:
This, too, is the result of inexperience. When you think you've achieved something significant, it turns out to be nothing special, and when you think you've made a major mistake, it turns out not to be such a big failure after all. In youth, due to a lack of experience, people tend to overestimate or underestimate themselves.
The things Russell accomplished in his youth might seem extraordinary to ordinary people like us. However, even Russell often misunderstood things when he was young, and as he gained experience, he repeatedly realized how lenient his self-evaluations had been.
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