... In other directions, especially as regards relations between nations, freedoms formerly valued have proved potent sources of disaster. New thoughts, new hopes, new freedoms, and new restrictions upon freedom are needed if the world is to emerge from its present perilous state.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, part II: The Conflict of Passions, chapter 4: Myth and Magic, n.9
More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB-POST02.HTM
* a brief comment
To open up a new era, it is essential to examine the negative legacies of the past --neoliberalism, Abenomics, and others-- and break free from their lingering gosts. Starting this year, Trump will once again stand before the world with his "America First" agenda. Prime Minister Ishiba will face the question of whether to follow Trump in a subservient manner, seeking scraps, or to break away from U.S. dependence and adopt a balanced, issue-based approach to diplomacy. Unfortunately, there is little room for optimism. It seems we have no choice but to place our hopes in the next generation.
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