In the ordinary English upper-class family, the killing of birds is considered highly creditable, and the killing of men in war is regarded as the noblest of professions. This attitude is in accordance with untrained instinct : it is that of men who possess no form of constructive skill, and are therefore unable to find any innocent embodiment of their will to power.
Source: Bertrand Russell: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2: Education of character, chap. 6: Constructiveness.
More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/OE06-040.HTM
* a brief comment
Killing another person is, for most people, generally an abhorrent act. Therefore, even when dealing with individuals from an enemy nation, people do not commit murder unless placed in an extraordinary situation where failing to retaliate would mean their own death. However, during wartime, this highly unpleasant act, when done 'daringly' for the sake of one’s country or its people, is considered 'patriotic' and is often glorified by many politicians, particularly those in the ruling party at the time. As a result, those who oppose war are labeled as unpatriotic and are criticized and ostracized. This remains unchanged even in modern times. As for the term 'birds (game birds),' I included this clarification because there are British people who criticize the act of shooting small birds (such as sparrows) with hunting rifles as cruel. The types of birds considered hunting targets differ from country to country. Ultimately, everyone justifies their actions with reasoning that suits their own convenience.
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