Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 |
To be out of harmony with one's surroundings is, of course, a misfortune, but it is not always a misfortune to be avoided at all costs. Where the environment is stupid or prejudiced or cruel, it is a sign of merit to be out of harmony with it.
Source: Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap.8: Persecution mania
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If you belong to the majority, you can easily forgive yourself for committing the same error in sympathy with those around you, even if you later discover that the majority's ideas are wrong, because ‘many people were wrong...’. However, if it is another country, especially a foreign country with which you do not have a good feeling, it is not uncommon to condemn them harshly. It is always better to throw the phrase ‘see how others behave and you will see how I behave’ at yourself (or at your country) as a reminder.
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