Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

An ethical principle may be judged by the kind of emotion that causes it to be welcomed. By this test, it will be found that a great many generally recognized principles are not so respectable as they seem. A candid examination will often show that, whether a principle be valid or not, what makes men cling to it is that it affords an outlet for some not very noble passion, more especially cruelty, envy, and pleasure in feeling superiority. If, on self-examination, you find that it is passions of this sort that cause you to cling to some moral maxim, that is a quite sufficient reason for a re-examination of your convictions in the matter.
 Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, (1954), chapter 12:Superstitious Ethics, n.8
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It is a bit long to quote, so I cut off the back. This sentence is followed by the following important words.
「It is because superstitious ethics so often spring from such undesirable sources that it is worth while to combat them, and to accept only such moral rules as seem likely to promote the general happiness, and to reject all those which attract us because they cause unhappiness to those whom we dislike.」
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