Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

Apart from moral exhortation, of which the efficacy is very limited, there are various ways of diminishiag the evils due to excessive power. One of these is to facilitate resistance on the part of its victims. This is the method of democracy. Another is to educate in such a manner that acquired skills will lead the love of power into useful rather than harmful channels. Love of power, like other deep-seated impulses, cannot be wholly suppressed without great damage to those who, in consequence, feel thwarted, but it can easily be turned into directions in which it is generally beneficial. ... In regard to power, as in other directions, the best ethical maxims are not ascetic, but consist rather in encouraging and providing outlets which are not destructive
Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, (1954), chapter 11:
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In order to do what is in the interests of the people as a whole, great power and authority are necessary. Therefore, various measures need to be taken to prevent the evils of power, but if no one is allowed to have great power, no great improvement in people's lives can be achieved. This means that it is necessary to "encourage and provide non-destructive outlets for power" for those in power.