Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

If once a week employees were allowed to pull the employer's nose and otherwise indicate what they thought of him, the nervous tension for them would be relieved, but for the employer, who also has his troubles, this would not mend matters. What the fear of dismissal is to the employee, the fear of bankruptcy is to the employer.
Source: Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap.5: Fatigue
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It was reported on 21 December last year that former New York City Mayor Giuliani, who served as Trump's legal adviser, had filed for bankruptcy after being ordered to pay 21 billion in damages. This was due to a lawsuit involving the 2020 US presidential election, in which the court found that 'Giuliani falsely claimed that two Georgia election officials had tampered with votes and that Giuliani had defamed them'. The 'bankruptcy filing' by Giuliani appears to be buying time for an appeal. If he loses another appeal, his bankruptcy will be confirmed. However, it is expected that if Trump is re-elected President, he will acquit Giuliani with a presidential special pardon, which clearly shows the power of the President.
 In Japan, during the second Abe administration, then Prime Minister Abe extended the retirement age of Mr Kurokawa, the chief prosecutor of the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office (Abe's patron saint), by six months by Cabinet decision (to deal with criticism about Abe's numerous allegations of improper donations), even though the Public Prosecutors Office Law set the retirement age for prosecutors at 63. The government has been able to maintain its power through a long term administration. This was possible because he continues to hold power due to his long-term administration. Prime ministers are not expected to go bankrupt during their tenure and are invincible as long as they remain in power.