Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

Most of the disagreements that occur in practice are, not as to what things have intrinsic value, but as to who shall enjoy them. The holders of power naturally demand for themselves the lion's share. Disagreements of this sort tend to become mere contests for power. In theory, this sort of question can be decided by our general criterion: that system is best which produces a maximum of intrinsic value. Disputes may remain when both sides accept this criterion, but they will then have become disputes as to fact and will be, at least in theory, amenable to scientific treatment.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, (1954), chapter 10:Is there ethical knowledge ?
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* a brief comment (Translated with
While it's a different story between individuals, wherever there is an organization (the largest organization being the state), the one with the most power (the state or other) will demand the largest share. This is true in both free and communist countries, and usually the strongest get the largest share. However, in modern times, rather than doing it blatantly, they will try to secure the second or third largest share, under the promise that their country will be protected or supported.
When there is a dispute between nations, even if they appear to be fighting over differences in their perceptions of the facts, they both know that this is just a pretense, so the task of deciding on a compromise, taking into account the balance of power, is called "politics" (international politics).