Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

Security depending upon exceptional privilege is unjust, and the man who has to find excuses for an injustice by which he profits is bound to acquire a distorted moral sense. On the other hand, the powerful men of the present day who are the victors in a free fight overestimate the value of ruthlessness and of the various acts by which success in competition is achieved.
Source: Bertrand Russell: On economic security (written in June 1, 1932 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.
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Neoliberalism is an economic policy that became popular worldwide in the 1980s, which emphasises the reduction of state welfare and public services (small government and privatisation of public services), drastic deregulation and market fundamentalism. It was also promoted in Japan by the Koizumi administration, resulting in the production of many non-regular jobs and the creation of various inequalities.  Russell's statement quoted above, written in 1932 (and published after his death in 1975), is a prediction of the emergence of neoliberalism and a critique of it.
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