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バートランド・ラッセル「経済的安定について」(1932年6月1日)(松下彰良 訳)

* 原著:On economic security, by Bertrand Russell
* Source: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.

* 改訳及びHTML修正をしました。(2010.12.23)


 多くの人々,多くの国家が,経済的な安定(安心・安全)を求めます。発展途上国に対しては,先進国から経済援助がなされます。また,現代は基本的に「競争社会」であり,経済だけでなく,あらゆる分野において「競争」による切磋琢磨が奨励されています。しかし,民主主義も,社会福祉も,経済発展も,一部の国あるいは先進国だけがうまくいけばよいというわけでなく,大きな貧富の差がない国際社会を創造しないと,安定した世界は実現できないのは明らかだと思われます。普段から意識的にそのような「地球人的な発想」をすることが重要ですが,お互い,「現実論」に流され,まず自国や自分の会社や自分の家族の生活が大事だ,ということで弁解の口実をつくり,視野が狭くなりがちです。ラッセルは,現在のような「競争社会」が続く限り,社会的安定は実現しないだろうと,悲観的です。(2000.08.27: 松下)

 現代は,多くの点で過去と異なっている。少なからぬ重要性を持っている差異の一つは,多分,以前は政治権力が幼児の時から快適な暮らしができるだけの収入が保障されていた人々に属していた,ということだろう。フランスではフランス市民革命にいたるまで,イギリスでは今世紀にいたるまで,大部分の貴族は,自分の領地から十分な収入を得ていた。彼らはそれらの収入をひょっとするとギャンブルで使いはたしてしまうかもしれなかったが -実際そのようなことはあったが- ,そのような場合でも,浪費家が失った財産を,フランスでは宮廷における地位により(地位を利用して),イギリスでは囲い込み法(エンクロージャー法)によってとりもどすことが一般的に可能であった。法律は,貧乏の経験も,人生の不安についての知識も,闘争や競争についての理解力もまったくない人々によって立法されていた。




 世の中の大多数の人々に比べて,恒常的により快適な境遇のもとに生きる人々は,通常,自分よりも不幸な人々への同情を感じない。彼らは,時折あからさまに'無感覚'であり,時折,人間の幸福は魂のみにかかわり物質的福福祉とは無関係であるから(正当な)取り分以上の財貨を自分たちが得たとしても貧乏人に実害を及ぼすことにはならないといった'嫌悪感を抱かせる見解'を採用する。 例外的特権に依存する安心・安全は'不正'であり,それゆえ,自分に都合のよい社会的不正のための口実を見いだそうとする人間は,必ず,'ゆがんだ道義的感覚'を身につけることになる。他方,自由競争の勝者である現代世界の支配者たちは,冷酷無慈悲さをはじめ,競争での成功を実現する様々な行為や資質の価値を過大評価する。


The present age differs from the past in many respects. Perhaps not the least important of these is that, in former times, political power belonged to men who from their infancy had been assured of a comfortable income. In France until the Revolution, and in England until the present century, most aristocrats derived a comfortable income from their estates; they might, it is true, gamble it away, but even then it was generally possible - in France by a position at court, in England by an enclosure act - to retrieve the spendthrift's fallen fortunes. The laws were made by those who had no experience of poverty, no knowledge of the uncertainties of life, no understanding of struggle or competition.
In these opulent societies men had within their own circle a kind of easy good nature which made society very pleasant. They had also the leisure of mind for disinterested curiosity, they travelled in Italy and picked up old masters, they conversed with Arctic explorers and speculated about the Northwest Passage, and they were interested in the experiments of the ingenious Mr. Boyle, who was known as the father of chemistry and as the son of the Earl of Cork. In these respects the aristocratic societies which have disappeared were more civilised than the plutocratic societies which have taken their place.
In the world of the present day, a person with a secure income scarcely exists, with the possible exception of those Indian Princes who obtain a salary from the British Government on condition of living Europe. But even they are likely to lose their means of livelihood if India achieves freedom, since they are not overpopular with their less-fortunate countrymen. Apart from such rare exceptions, those who were rich yesterday are poor today, and those who are rich today know that they are likely to be poor tomorrow. The world is a restless, uneasy, struggling world, in which the leisurely culture of the past is rappidly disappearing.
But when one penetrates ever so little below the surface of the polished societies of the eighteenth century, another side of the picture presents itself. These men, so urbane, so polite, so civilised in their dealings within their own class, were toward other classes ruthless to a degree which democracy has now rendered impossible. The heartlessness of French aristocrats before the Revolution is a commonplace of conventional history, but the English aristocrats of the same period were at least equally ruthless. The French aristocrat was cruel to individuals; the English aristocrat was cruel to whole classes or districts. Between 1760 and 1820, by means of legistlation, average wages in England were halved.
Men whose circumstances have always been more comfortable than those of the majority are, as a rule, incapable of sympathy with those who are less fortunate. Sometimes they are frankly callous, sometimes they adopt the more nauseous view that happiness depends upon the soul and is independent of material well-being, so that they are doing no real harm to the poor in taking more than their share of this world's goods. Security depending upon exceptional privilege is unjust, and the man who has to find excuses for an injustice by which he profits is bound to acquire a distorted moral sense. On the other hand, the powerful men of the present day who are the victors in a free fight overestimate the value of ruthlessness and of the various acts by which success in competition is achieved.
There is only one way of preventing these opposite vices. Security would be good if it were not accompanied by injustice; there should, therefore, be security for all and not only for a fortunate few. This is possible, but not while the present competitive system survives.
