バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Russell Quotes )

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

Letter to the New York Times on "The Bertrand Russell case", 26 Apr. 1940 ] If I had considered only my own interests and inclinations I should have retired at once. But however wise such action might have been from a personal point of view, it would also, in my judgment, have been cowardly and selfish. A great many people who realized that their own interests and the principles of toleration and free speech were at stake were anxious from the first to continue the controversy. If I had retired I should have robbed them of their casus belli and tacitly assented to the proposition that substantial groups shall be allowed to drive out of public office individuals whose opinions, race, or nationality they find repugnant. This to me would appear immoral.
Source: Letter to the New York Times on "The Bertrand Russell case".
In: New York Times, 26 Apr. 1940
* Repr. in: The Bertrand Russell Case, ed. by John Dewey and Horace Kallen(New York, Viking, 1941).
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