![]() Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 |
【Why did Russell eat in a certain cafeteria at Harvard?】
"Near Harvard Yard I used to eat in a cafeteria where the food was cheap but not very good," says William Jovanovich. "I would sit at a long public table where on many occasions there also sat the philosopher, Bertrand Russell. One day I did not contain my curiosity.
Mr. Russell,' I said, 'I know why I eat here. It is because I am poor. But why do you eat here?' "Because," he said, 'I am never interrupted."
Source: Bertrand Russell Is Dead; British Philosopher, 97, by ALDEN WHITMAN
More info.: https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/books/01/04/29/specials/russell-obit.html#:~:text=Russell%2C'%20I%20said%2C%20',%2C%20'I%20am%20never%20interrupted.