Bertrand Russell Quotes(バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句)


If you want to explain what you mean in physics when you say "This is the same chair as it was yesterday," you must go back to classical physics. You must say: when temperatures are not too high, and chemical circumstances are ordinary, the results obtained by old-fashioned classical physics are more or less right. And when I say that "this is the same chair", I shall mean that old-fashioned physics would say it was the same chair. But I am well aware that this is no more than a convenient and inaccurate way of speaking, and that, in fact, every smallest piece of the chair loses its identity in about one hundred thousandth part of a second. To say that it is the same chair is like saying that the English are the same nation as they were in the time of Queen Elizabeth I, or rather, like what this would be, if many millions of generations had passed since the death of Good Queen Bess.
 Source: Bertrand Russell : Mind and Matter (1950?)
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