

 結局は私が死ななかったことを聞き,彼らは別の種類の'ため息'をついたにちがいない。(出典: ラッセル『自伝』第2巻第3章「中国」)

The Japanese journalists were continually worrying Dora to give them interviews when she wanted to be nursing me. At last she became a little curt with them, so they caused the Japanese newspapers to say that I was dead. This news was forwarded by mail from Japan to America and from America to England. It appeared in the English newspapers on the same day as the news of my divorce. Fortunately, the Court did not believe it, or the divorce might have been postponed. It provided me with the pleasure of reading my obituary notices, which I had always desired without expecting my wishes to be fulfilled. One missionary paper, I remember, had an obituary notice of one sentence: 'Missionaries may be pardoned for heaving a sigh of relief at the news of Mr. Bertrand Russell's death. I fear they must have heaved a sigh of a different sort when they found that I was not dead after all...
Source: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2, 1968, chap. 3: China.
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