信心深い不道徳者しかし,残酷と搾取によって財産を獲得した人は,たとえ規則的に教会に行き,不正に獲得した収入の一部を公共的な目的(対象)に寄付したとしても,"不道徳な人間"と見なされなくてはならない。(出典: ラッセル「善人が為す害悪」(1928年))But a man who acquires a fortune by cruelty and exploitation should be regarded as at present we regard what is called an 'immoral' man; and he should be so regarded even if he goes to church regularly and gives a portion of his ill-gotten gains to public objects. Source:The Harm That Good Men Do,1926, in Sceptical Essays, 1928. More Info.:https://russell-j.com/0393HGMD.HTM