

 世の中の大多数の人々に比べて,恒常的により快適な境遇のもとに生きる人々は,通常,自分よりも不幸な人々への同情を感じない。彼らは,時折あからさまに無感覚であり,時折,人間の幸福は魂のみにかかわり物質的福祉とは無関係であるから(正当な)取り分以上の財貨を自分たちが得たとしても貧乏人に実害を及ぼすことにはならないといった嫌悪感を抱かせる見解を採用する。例外的特権に依存する安心・安全は'不正'であり,それゆえ,自分に都合のよい社会的不正のための口実を見いだそうとする人間は,必ず,'ゆがんだ道義的感覚'を身につけることになる。他方,自由競争の勝者である現代世界の支配者たちは,競争での成功を実現する冷酷さや様々な行為の価値を過大評価する。(出典: ラッセル『権威と個人』第6章「個人と社会倫理」)

Men whose circumstances have always been more comfortable than those of the majority are, as a rule, incapable of sympathy with those who are less fortunate. Sometimes they are frankly callous, sometimes they adopt the more nauseous view that happiness depends upon the soul and is independent of material well-being, so that they are doing no real harm to the poor in taking more than their share of this world's goods. Security depending upon exceptional privilege is unjust, and the man who has to find excuses for an injustice by which he profits is bound to acquire a distorted moral sense. On the other hand, the powerful men of the present day who are the victors in a free fight overestimate the value of ruthlessness and of the various acts by which success in competition is achieved.

Source:On economic security, Dec. 16, 1931, in Mortals and Others;Bertrand Russell's American Essays 1931-1935, v.1, 1975.
More Info.:https://russell-j.com/ESECRITY.HTM
