

(出典: ラッセル『アメリカン・エッセイ集』の中の「我々は受動的過ぎるか?」

It is not only in regard to amusements that men have grown passive, but also in regard to all those forms of skill and all those departments of knowledge in which they are not themselves experts. The old-fashioned farmer was weather-wise, whereas the modern man, if he wishes to form an opinion as to what the weather is going to be, reads the official weather forecast. I have sometimes had the impression that he cannot even tell whether it is wet or fine at the moment without the help of his newspaper. Certainly it is from his newspaper that he derives his opinions on politics and the state of the world and the need of a return to the rugged virtues of a former age. On most matters he does not trouble to have opinions at all, since he is convinced that they can safely be left to those whose special study or experience entitles them to speak with authority.,

Source:Are we too passive? Feb. 3rd, 1932, in Mortals and Others;Bertrand Russell's American Essays 1931-1935, v.1, 1975.
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