
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 v008 - vouch

★ vouch (v) [保証する(vouch for)]

* voucher (n):保証人,証明者;(旅行業者・企業などが旅行者・従業員などにだす)クーポン券


She went to the War Minister and demanded that he should pay her bill out of the funds provided for the war. Since he knew that she had the power to get him dismissed, he did so, and the French lost Genoa in consequence. So at least some books say, though I am not prepared to vouch for the exact truth of the story.

He was in a smart regiment, and went mad after a few years of it. The story that I have been told, though I cannot vouch for its complete accuracy, is that his brother officers teased him because he was chaste. They kept a bear as a regimental pet, and one day, for sport, set the bear at him. He fled, lost his memory, and being found wandering about the country, was put in a workhouse infirmary, his identity being unknown.
* tease (v):いじめる,からかう * chaste (adj.):純潔な;純正な;上品な * infirmary (n):医務室,診療所 [彼は精鋭な連隊に入隊していたが,その2,3年後に発狂した。完全に正確であるかどうかは請けあうことができないが,私が聞いた話では,彼があまりに'清純'であったので同僚将校たちが彼をいじめたということであった。彼らは連隊のペットとして一匹の熊を飼っていた。ある日のこと,彼らは,ふざけてその熊を彼にけしかけた。彼は逃げ,ショックで記憶を失った。そうして,田舎をさまよい歩いているところを発見され,身許がわからないまま,(英国救貧法上の)労役所附属診療所に収容された。



I've read this report carefully and I can vouch for its correctness.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

I can vouch for her ability to work hard.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, 8th ed.]

If you say that you can vouch for something, you mean that you have evidence from your own personal experience that it is true or correct.
[ 出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, 3rd ed.)]