
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 s034 - succumb

★ succumb (v) [屈する,負ける;(病気などに)倒れる;死ぬ]


あるいは アマゾンで購入
Obviously all the murders we know of have been discovered, but who knows how many there may be which have never been heard of? In like manner all the men of genius that we have ever heard of have triumphed over adverse circumstances, but that is no reason for supposing that there were not innumerable others who succumbed in youth.

And in a very great many cases, though not in all, a sense of security will itself help a man to escape dangers to which another would succumb. If you are walking over a chasm on a narrow plank, you are much more likely to fall if you feel fear than if you do not.
* chasm (n):幅の広い深い割れ目(裂け目)
plank (n):厚板



Another disappointing TV occasion was a BBC discussion of nuclear matters by Mrs Roosevelt, Lord Boothby, Mr Gaitskell, and myself. I was horrified to hear Mrs Roosevelt enunciate the belief that it would be better, and that she would prefer, to have the human race destroyed than to have it succumb to Communism.
* enunciate (v):(はっきり)発音する;宣言する
[もう一つの,失望を抱かせたテレビ関係の出来事は,ルーズヴェルト夫人,(米国大統領夫人),ブースビー卿,ゲイッケル氏(英国労働党党首)と私の4人で,核問題に関して論じあった,BBCの番組(注:Prospects of Mankind 視聴←ダウンロードに少し時間がかかります!)であった。ルーズヴェルト夫人は,'共産主義に屈服するよりは人類を破滅させた方がましであり,彼女自身その方を好む'という信条を述べたが,それを聞いて私はぞっとした。

I can't believe that he succumbed to bribery.

He finally succumbed to the illness.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

He finally succumbed to Lucy's charms and agreed to her request.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary , 8th ed.]