
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 s033 - set off (forth)

★ set off (forth) [出発する;爆発させる;発射する;(機械・装置などを)始動する]

* set forth はこの意味(「出発す」る)ではあまり使われない。


あるいは アマゾンで購入
If one man believes that the earth is round and another believes that it is flat, they can set off on a joint voyage and decide the matter reasonably. But if one believes in Protestantism and the other in Catholicism, there is no known method of reaching a rational conclusion. For such reasons, I had come to agree with Santayana that there is no such thing as ethical knowledge. Nevertheless, ethical concepts have been of enormous importance in history, and I could not but feel that a survey of human affairs which omits ethics is inadequate and partial.

As everyone does, we at once set off for the Acropolis. By mistake and thinking to take a short cut, we approached it from the back. We had to scramble up a cliff by goat paths and through barbed wire to get there.
* scramble (v):はって進む;奪い合う;争って・・・しようとする
* barbed (adj.):とげ(悪意)のある,辛辣な / barbed wire 有刺鉄線



She set off on a trip last week.

set off the fire alarm. / If I am once set off laughing I find it difficult to stop.
 出典:Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary , 1982]

It's getting late - time to set off. / They set off in search of the lost child.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

A gang of boys were setting off fireworks in the street.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary , 8th ed.]