
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 p140 - periodic

★ periodic【(adj.) 周期的な;定期の】

* period (n):機関;時代;時限
* periodical (n):(日刊以外の)定期刊行物


The search for law's governing phenomena has been more difficult elsewhere than in relation to the orbits of the planets, because elsewhere there is a greater complexity of causes of different kinds, and a smaller degree of regularity of periodic recurrence.

From the moon upwards, on the contrary, the 'natural' motion of bodies was circular, or compounded of circular motions, and in the heavens there was no such thing as change or decay, except the periodic changes of the orbits of the heavenly bodies.
 出典:Bertrand Russell : Ideas That Have Helped Mankind,1946


They make periodic visits to the island.
 出典:『知識と文脈で深める上級英単語 LOGOPHILIA ロゴフィリア』p.44

periodic checkup
 出典:『究極の英単語 v.3:上級の3000語』p.484

periodic bouts of fever
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.

Periodic events or situations happen occasionally at fairy regular intervals.
 出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.