
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 p101 - peck

★ peck【 (v) つつく,つついて穴をあける;(食物を)ついばむ;(お義理で)キスをする || (n) つつくこと;ついばみ;軽いキス】

* She pecked me on the cheek. 彼女は私の頬にお義理にキスをした。
* woodpecker キツツキ


When I was five years old, I kept tame pigeons and, if I put a cock pigeon in front of a mirror, he would peck at it furiously and then run round to the back in hopes of finding this disgusting bird there.

Has civilization taught us to be more friendly towards one another? The answer is easy. Robins (the English, not the American species) peck an elderly robin to death, whereas men (the English, not the American species) give an elderly man an old age pension.
[動物よりも人間の方が友好的だと文明は我々に教えてきたであろうか? 答えは簡単である。駒鳥(英国種のものであって米国種のものではないもの)は年をとった駒鳥をつつき殺す。一方,人間(英国であり米国ではない)は年取った老人に老齢年金を渡す。]
 出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Helped Mankind,1946

The male bird (raven) first ate all the tender portions, administering savage pecks to the female if she dared to approach.


The chickens pecked the ground for food.
 出典:『キクタン super 12000』p.15

The hens were pecking at the corn (= picking it up with their beaks).
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.