
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 p056

★ priest (n)【牧師,司祭;聖職者;僧侶】

* priestesses (n):女性の司祭
* priesthood (n):司祭職


An Italian magnate of the sixteenth century, on his deathbed, told the priest that he repented of only one thing, namely, that he had not taken advantage of an opportunity to murder both the Pope and the Emperor at once, which would have secured him a place in history.

Sacred prostitution is another institution which was very widespread in antiquity. In some places ordinary respectable women went to a temple and had intercourse either with a priest or with a casual stranger. In other cases, the priestesses themselves was sacred harlots.

When Gregory VII was engaged in enforcing the celibacy of the clergy, he called in the help of the laity, who, even when happily married themselves, were delighted at the opportunity of persecuting parish priests and their wives.
* call in :(援助を)求める;中に呼び入れる;(医者に)往診を頼む


Priests from each religion took part in the ceremony.

Priest is a general word for someone who is in charge of the religious worship of a group of Christian people, but the word is used especially in the Roman Catholic Church. A priest in the Church of England is called clergyman, and in the Nonconformist churches the usual word is minister.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]