
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 m027 - make one's way

★ make one's way [道を切り開く,苦労して進む;出世する]


There is a comfortable doctrine that genius will always make its way, and on the strength of this doctrine many people consider that the persecution of youthful talent cannot do much harm. But there is no ground whatever for accepting this doctrine. It is like the theory that murder will out. Obviously all the murders we know of have been discovered, but who knows how many there may be which have never been heard of? In like manner all the men of genius that we have ever heard of have triumphed over adverse circumstances, but that is no reason for supposing that there were not innumerable others who succumbed in youth.
* succumb (v):(誘惑などに)屈服する;(病気などに)倒れる。


He made his way to presidency step by step.

Is this your plan for making your way in the world?
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]

The miniskirt rapidly made its way into universal favor.
 出典:Kenkyusha New College English-Japanese Dictionary, 6th ed.)]