
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 i158 - in honor of ; in honour of

★ in honor of ; in honour of【~に敬意を表して、~を讃えて、~のために;~を祝して、~を記念して】


あるいは アマゾンで購入
They are rewarded for their work either by a salary or, if they belong to a university team, by a scholarship in honour of their academic attainments.

It turned out that there was a great strike going on in the dockyards, and that the police would not tolerate processions except in honour of distinguished foreigners, so that this was their only way of making a demonstration. w.

I met him once at an "Erewhon Dinner" in honour of Samuel Butler and I learned with surprise that he accepted as gospel every word uttered by that sage, and even theories that were only intended as jokes, as, for example, that the Odyssey was written by a woman.
[私は,かつてサミュエル・バトラー(注:Samuel Butler, 1835-1902:ユートピア小説 Erehon で有名。また,生涯に渡って進化論の批判を続けた。因みに Erewhon は Nowhere のアナグラム)を讃える(に敬意を表する/記念する)「エレホン晩餐会」で彼(注:バーナード・ショー)に会い,驚いたことに,彼はその聖人(バトラー)が発したすべての言葉を,さらには,オデュッセイア(注:Odyssey オデッセイ。ホメロス作と伝えらているギリシア叙事詩)はある婦人が書いたものだというような,冗談のつもりでのべた説さえも,絶対の真理(福音)として受け取っているのを知った。]


A welcome meeting was held in honor of Mr. Smith.

A celebration was held in honor of the founder of this school.
 出典:『新版 完全征服データベース5500 合格 英単語・熟語』p.339

Mr. Tanaka was awarded a gold watch in honor of his 30 years of faithful service to the company.
 出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.339

If something is arranged in honour of a particular event, it is arranged in order to celebrate that event.
 出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.