
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 i026 - in all likelihood

★ in all likelihood [おそらく,多分]


あるいは アマゾンで購入
In every civilised country, all persons capable of apprehending plain facts are agreed that the next great war will, in all likelihood, bring the end of civilisation. This is in no sense a party question ; it has nothing to do with economics or theology or any of the other issues that divide man.
* (ある目的で集まった)一行 →(政治上の)党派,政党
* party politics 党利党略の政治

 出典:ラッセル『アメリカン・エッセイ集』の中の「政府は戦争を望んでいるのか? 」]

Meanwhile, every day, and at every moment of every day, a trivial accident, a failure to distinguish a meteor from a bomber, a fit of temporary insanity in one single man, may cause a nuclear world war, which, in all likelihood., will put an end to man and to all higher forms of animal life..
* meteor (n):流星;隕石;大気現象
* party politics 党利党略の政治

 出典:Bertrand RussellStatement to young Japanese from the President of The Committee of 100 in Britain, Dec. 12, 1962.」]

Let us take a, perhaps, more apt illustration. In the fourteenth century the Black Death swept over the Eastern hemisphere. In Western Europe it destroyed about half the population, and in all likelihood it was about equally destructive in Eastern Europe and in Asia.
* apt (adj.):・・・しがちで;(言葉など)適当な,適切な;(人が)覚えの早い


In all likelihood we shall be away for a few days.

In all likelihood I shall be there on time.
[ 出典:『アナリシス 英熟語 v.2.1』p.44]

In all likelihood the meeting will be cancelled.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]