ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 d033 - dawn on (upon)

★ dawn on (upon)【~にわかり始める】


あるいは アマゾンで購入
After I had learned the fifth proposition, my brother told me that it was generally considered difficult, but I had found no difficulty whatever. This was the first time it had dawned upon me that I might have some intelligence. From that moment until Whitehead and I finished Principia Mathematica, when I was thirty-eight, mathematics was my chief interest, and my chief source of happiness.

It has dawned upon my mind that you are in the right.
 出典:森一郎『試験に出る英熟語』 p.211]

It dawned on them what the manager wanted to do.
 出典:『アナリシス英熟語3000 v.2.1』 p.85]

It dawned on her that the man had no intention of returning.
 (出典:Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary, 1982]

It suddenly/gradyally dawned on me that I'd caught the wrong train.
[ (出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

It gradually dawned on me that I still had talent and ought to run again.
[ (出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, 3rd ed.]