
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 d030 - draw up

★ draw up [・・・を引き上げる;引き寄せる;(文書を)作成する;(軍隊を)整列させる)]


あるいは アマゾンで購入
Mozart used to compose music in order to forget his duns and his debts by escaping into a world of phantasy. If he had followed the advice of eminent psychoanalysts, he would instead have drawn up a careful balance sheet of receipts and expenditures and set to work to devise economies by which the two could be made to balance. If he had done this, he would have lost his income, and we should have lost his music.
* phantasy = fantasy

He had begged me, nevertheless, to carry out my idea and to formulate the statement myself. This I had done, basing the statement upon my Christmas broadcast, 'Man's Peril'. I had drawn up a list of scientists of both East and West and had written to them, enclosing the statement, shortly before I went to Rome with the Parliamentarians.
[それにもかかわらず,彼(注:アインシュタイン)は,私の考えを実行に移すこと,また私自身で声明(注:後にラッセル=アインユタイン宣言と呼ばれるようになったもの)を作成してほしい,と懇願してきた。(そこで)私は,私のクリスマス放送「人類の危機(Man's Peril)」をもとにして声明(文)を作成した。私は,(アインシュタイン推薦のリストをもとに)東西両陣営の科学者のリストを作成した。そして,世界政府推進の(英国の)国会議員たちとローマに行く直前に,それらの科学者たちにその声明(文)を同封し手紙を送った。


draw up a net / draw up a chair.
 出典:Kenkyusha's New College English-Japanese Dictionary, 6th ed.]