
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c173 - circumvent

★ circumvent【(vt) ・・・を巧みに逃れる、出し抜く、挫折させる;迂回する】

* 語源: circum-(・・・の周囲に)+ -vent(来る)→ 「周囲から来る」→ 「(人)を出し抜く,あざむく」
* circumvention (n):出し抜くこと;計略にかけること;迂回


In circumventing the law there is, of course, a certain spice and a certain pride of cleverness, and while the law about drink is being circumvented it is natural to circumvent the conventions about sex.
[法律の裏をかくこと(注: circumventing the law 法律の網にひっかかるのを回避すること)には,もちろん,ある種(一定の)の痛快さと,頭の良さに対するある種(一定の)の誇りがある。]

There is very great difficulty in framing laws as regards divorce, because Whatever the laws may be, judges and juries will be governed by their passions, while husbands and wives will do whatever may be necessary to circumvent the intentions of the legislators.

Thereupon I told her quietly but firmly that she would find that impossible, since if she ever took steps to that end, I should commit suicide in order to circumvent her.


He circumvented the law and made a windfall in the flurry of the stock market.
* windfall (n):風で落ちたもの → 棚ぼた
 出典:『究極の英単語 v.4 超上級の3000語』p.249

They found a way of circumventing the law.
 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.

If someone circumvents a rule or restriction, they avoid having to obey the rule or restriction, in a clever and perhaps dishonest way.
 出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.