
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 b036 - barbarian

★ barbarian (n) [野蛮人,未開人]

* barbaric (adj.):野蛮人の(ような);洗練されていない;残忍な
* barbarism (n):野蛮(な生活状態),未開(状態)粗野なふるまい;卑語
* barbarous (adj.):野蛮な;教養のない


Contemplation of the less accountable razing of Dresden by my own countrymen sickened me. I felt that when the Germans were obviously about to surrender that was enough, and that to destroy not only 135,000 Germans but also all their houses and countless treasures was barbarous.
* raze (v):破壊する,倒壊させる;(記憶などを)消す
● YouTube 動画(ドレスデン空襲)) https://youtu.be/SU3wkOGXlcY

The Egyptian and Babylonian civilisations were impaired, and the Minoan civilisation was destroyed, by barbarian invaders. The Moslem civilisation, after a brilliant beginning, decayed through internal dissensions. China and Japan have frequently suffered centuries of eclipse through civil war.
* impair (v):(価値・美点・健康などを)減じる,そこなう
* dissention (n):意見の相違
* eclipse (n):(太陽・月の)食;(栄誉・名声などの)薄らぎ,失墜


There is in our time a tendency to exalt the elements of unreason which we have inherited from our barbarous past.
* exalt (v):(人などを)ほめそやす,賞揚する


At that time, most of the peoples of northen Europe were in a state of barbarism.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

the barbarous treatment of these prisoners of war.
 出典:Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, 8th ed.]

The Roman Empire was overrun by Nordic barbarians. / If you describe someone's behaviour as barbaric, you strongly disapprove of it because you think that it is extremely cruel or uncivilized.
 出典:Collins COBUILD Dictionary for Advanced Learners, 3rd ed.]