バートランド・ラッセルの英語「類義語シリーズ」 r_ruigigo-r08
★ righteous / just
【"righteous":。主に、何一つ後ろめたいことはしてないという意識で、別の言葉に変えると、"guiltless" や "blameless"の該当する。正義の意味に用いられるのは、聖書のような文体、特に神を引き合いにだすような古式ゆかしき文章の中か、法文の中においてのみである。】
(1-1) "I never drink or smoke," he said in a righteous voice.
(1-2) The righteous [shall] go to Heaven.
(2-1) I'm glad my boss in a just man. He is a hard driver but fair.
(2-2) A just society could not tolerate racism in any form.
<用例1-1>I cannot doubt that this pleasure greatly contributed to the general belief that the burning of heretics was a righteous act.
She made me less self-centred, and less self-righteous'
Have you reflected upon the parable of the ninety-nine just men who needed no repentance, and caused less joy in Heaven than the one sinner who returned to the fold? .
The custom is the cause of man's feeling as to what is just, and not vice versa.
<参考例1-1>a righteous anger
出典:『究極の英単語 -上級の3000語』p.495
If you think that someone behaves or lives in a way that its morality good, you can say that they are righteous.
出典: Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.
I don't think you were being just in punishing him but not her.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.