バートランド・ラッセルの英語 - 日英語表現辞典シリーズ - t02: 頭角を現す
最所フミ(編著)『日英語表現辞典』(ちくま学芸文庫,2004年1月)を参考にした「ラッセルの英語_日英語表現辞典シリーズ」(通称 R日英表現)です。 総索引
★ 頭角をあらわす;有名になる distinguish oneself (p.582)
* 「彼は専門分野で頭角をあらわしてきた。」
→ He began to rise in his field. / He began to distinguish himself in his field.
The way for a man to secure the admiration of woman is to distinguish himself in athletics or by a forceful personality or by an usually successful career.
Lady Srrachey was a woman of immmense vigour, with a great desire that some at least of her children should distinguish themselves.
[レデイ・ストレイチー(Lady Strachey,1840-1928)は,大変精力的な女性であり,子供たちのなかの少なくとも何人かは有名になるべきであるという,大きな望みを抱いていた。]
Having distinguished himself in war, he was thought to be aspiring to the tyranny.
She distinguished herself in the debate.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.
She has already distinguished herself as an athlete.
出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.