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バートランド・ラッセル 権力 第6章 (松下彰良 訳)- Power, 1938, by Bertrand Russell

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第6章 むきだしの権力 n.22 - 正義=強者の利益?

 被支配者権力を単に権力だという理由だけで尊敬するような場合には,権力はむきだしになる。そうして,伝統的であった権力形態は,その伝統が受けいれられなくなるやいなやむきだし(の権力)になる。その当然の帰結として,自由思想活発な批判の時代(時期)は,むきだしの権力の時代(時期)へと発展していく傾向がある。古代ギリシアでもそうであったし,ルネッサンス期のイタリアでもまたそうであった。むきだしの権力にふさわしい理論は,プラトンの『共和国』の第一巻において,トラシマコスのロをかりて述べられているが,トラシマコスは,正義の倫理的な定義を【何とか)見出そうと好意的に(前向きに)試みているソクラテスにいらだっている。トラシマコスは言う。「私の説は,正義とは単に強者の利益(をはかること)に過ぎません。」 彼は,続けて次のように語る。

Chapter VI: Naked Power, n.22

Power is naked when its subjects respect it solely because it is power, and not for any other reason. Thus a form of power which has been traditional becomes naked as soon as the tradition ceases to be accepted. It follows that periods of free thought and vigorous criticism tend to develop into periods of naked power. So it was in Greece, and so it was in Renaissance Italy. The theory appropriate to naked power has been stated by Plato in the first book of the Republic, through the mouth of Thrasymachus, who gets annoyed with Socrates for his amiable attempts to find an ethical definition of justice. "My doctrine is," says Thrasymachus, "that justice is simply the interest of the stronger." He proceeds :
"Each government has its laws framed to suit its own interests ; a democracy making democratical laws; an autocrat despotic laws, and so on. Now by this procedure these governments have pronounced that what is for the interest of themselves is just for their subjects; and whoever deviates from this, is chastised by them as guilty of illegality and injustice. Therefore, my good sir, my meaning is, that in all cities the same thing, namely, the interest of the established government, is just. And superior strength I presume is to be found on the side of the government. So that the conclusion of right reasoning is that the same thing, namely, the interest of the stronger, is everywhere just."
Whenever this view is generally accepted, rulers cease to be subject to moral restraints, since what they do in order to retain power is not felt to be shocking except to those who suffer directly. Rebels, equally, are only restrained by the fear of failure ; if they can succeed by ruthless means, they need not be afraid that this ruthlessness will make them unpopular.
(掲載日:2017.07.22 /更新日: )